The website is made by me and represents my opinion. If you think there is an error or something is wrong or should be changed, please get in contact with me (see email below or use the comment feature).
This website and its content is subject to the copyright law and other laws for the protection of intellectual property.
This website contains links to external websites, but i cannot be held responsible for any external content nor external sites’ privacy policies. In addition, i cannot be held responsible for damage, direct or indirect, that is the result of the use of information that was acquired through this site.
Stefan Berger
Neunkirchner Str. 3
07749 Jena
Telefon: +49 160 97435693
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Stefan Berger (Anschrift wie oben)
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