All of the overprints and all of the stamps that were produced during 1919 till 23 were forged. Forging started already during the time when the stamps were used – you could fetch high prices for those stamps in Europe – and even today new forgeries appear on eBay, Delcampe and in the stock books of many stamp dealers. Last week I found auctions on where a seller from Texas found a buyer that was ready (and we should assume he has then) to pay over 100 USD for a crude forgery. So you can make money with forgeries even today. While other classic stamps were forged too (e.g. by Sperati, Fournier) for Armenian stamps exists mass forgeries. I think its very safe to say that there are more forgeries on the market than genuine stamps!
Many seller and stamps dealer don’t care if the (Armenian) stamps they sell are genuine or not. It is an exotic and very difficult terrain. Literature exists but is rare too. So it is up to you to check what you are buying.
Starting today I will present pictures of common forgeries, that appear on the Internet and discuss why I think there are forgeries or why not.