Rare Chassepot Design Proofs

Within the issues of the Chassepot printing a lot of essays and errors are known. All of those can also be found – in different compositions – in the book of proofs that were made by Behr after buying them from a member of the exiled government of the first Armenian republic in 1920. Less known and probably even more rare are the trials or proofs without figure of value and currency. So far these proofs are known only for the original printing and not for the reprints. The design imprints in the paper as can be seen from the backside.

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2 Responses to Rare Chassepot Design Proofs

  1. Chas Elgood says:

    Your blue proof looks great – I have just bought its green counter part from T.P at the York Fair. An item I thought would be outside my ability to purchase but once again Trevor has come up trumps.

  2. Dr. Ray Ceresa says:

    It also exists in both red and brown. There are no reprints of these proofs but sooner or later fakers will attempt to produce them.

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